
hawn tal pastizzi shan u tajbin

this morning i ate some pastizzi
nothing notable
the usual kind a few hours stale
they re best when fresh
then i was thinking of that song by the ex-Fr.David Azzopardi
it goes something like this

"hawn tal pastizzi,
shan u tajbin
tlett soldi il-wiehed
erba xelin"

now i m not sure if the lyrics are right but i think they are
and they translate (very loosely) to something like this

"here's the pastizzi-guy
they're warm and good
three cents each
four for a shilling"
now as far as i know a shilling is 5 pence, 5 cents in malta
and i am guessing (probably incorrectly) that a "sold" is a cent
so how can it be that one pastizz is 3 cents and four pastizzi are 5 cents i mean thats a very unreasonable bargain

if any readers know better please post comments
i m also looking for a streamed version of that pastizzi song by the ex-Fr.David Azzopardi
who showed us all that his true love was for the pastizz when he gave up priesthood and got married instead

whilst looking for it on you tube i instead found something better:

i love the way she bit into her pastizz too!
don't you?


magnum said...

Man those broads are hell of ugly >:(

G G said...

beauty is in the e....

they are performing ugly broads maybe
note the wig and make up

i think they're rather hot

jamesmg said...

i'd rather buy pastizzi off them chicks when i go to champs or maxims

Unknown said...

Hello I would like to explain the price of cheesecakes in Father David`s Song.

The original shilling at the time of the song had 12 pence and not ten cents. There fore the price is right.

3 pence each and four for 12 pence.

Not a bargain just Maltese pricing. 4*3 is twelve. He say 3 pence each , four for a shilling so that he ehelps you calculate. It`s not meant as a special offer.

If you need the complete text let me know.

Victor Scicluna
Ex-Malta - Now Munich Germany

nomadu said...

Patist joħroġ bil-kaxxa
imġemmda bid-duħħan
kull erba' passi jgħajjat
ta' patist jaħarqu sħan

Kif jibda tiela' t-telgħa
nifsu maqtugħ jimbotta
imma xorta jarma jgħajjat
bil-pastizzi tal-irkotta

Hawn tal-pastizzi
sħan u tajbin
tliet soldi 'l wieħed
erbgħa xelin x2

Jekk forsi tal-irkotta
ma tħobbhomx, ma tiggustahomx
ta' żellaq bil-piżelli
żgur ma tilagħbilhomx

għaġina sfiljurata
mill-forn għadhom ħerġin
tħosshom jinħallu f'ħalqek
għax ta' Żellaq mit-tajbin

rif. x2

Xi tgħidli għal Neriku
ma' Malta kollha jbigħ
jiġri mat-toroq kollha
fejn in-nies tkun tistennieh

Għad-disgħa ta' filgħodu
tarah ħiereġ mid-dar
dritt dritt bit-tarbux f'rasu
jkun iwieżen xi tilar

rif. x2

Ukoll ġewwa l-Awstralja
hemm min pastizzi jbigħ
mid-dehra il-pastizzi,
iħallu ħafna qligħ

Pastizzi Awstraljani
tassew huma tajbin
u dan bir-raġun kollu
għax jagħmluhom il-Maltin

rif. x3